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Why would you rent furniture?

Just like this study shows, paying for furniture in Tokyo is quite expensive.

Not only you have to buy them, but you also need to pay to dispose it when you don't need it anymore. 


By renting furniture, you only pay a small fee every month, and only for the time you are using it: no waste of money. 


It will also help you commit less financially, especially with all the expenses related to moving in/out. 

Placeholder for comparison table between renting and buying

Your Banker Already loves us

Placeholder for comparison table between renting and buying

Oh and you don't need a Japanese bank account. 


You decide everything

After choosing the furniture you want, just order and and we will deliver to the place you want, at the time you need it the most. 


Fell in love with a cute set of chairs and willing to keep them after you started to rent it?

Just pay a discounted nominal fee and own the furniture forever. 



Convenient Delivery and Pickup

Our priority is that you never have to carry your mattress in the subway or that you end up sleeping on the floor of your apartment. 


You can book the delivery and the disposal in advance and save time, money and keep your focus on the things that matter the most. 


It doesn't matter if you don't speak Japanese or if you don't know exacly how long you will stay.

You deserve a comfortable life.

Placeholder for someone carrying a mattress in the subway?

A Few things before you order 


By Foreigners, for Foreigners

Currently, we can support you in English, French or Japanese (more to come). 


We've been through all the pains of being a foreigner in Japan so that you don't have to.

But we are happy to also serve Japanese!

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Nomad life made easy

Rent from as little as 1 item / 30 days. 

No matter the type of furniture.


Because you might not know where you will be in 30,90 or 300 days, we made our plans flexible to fit your lifestyle. 

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Oops, it's broken

Don't worry, if an item breaks because of aging, we will replace it at no cost.


And everyone breaks things! So if you break something, we will just keep the deposit and provide you a new one at minimal cost. 

Divide your furniture expenses by 2 with Kawanai.

From arrival to Departure

Without Kawanai

You just arrived in Japan, it's time for a few trips to Ikea to buy all your furnitures. 

Be ready to carry your mattress in the subway!

You've already booked your furniture package online.

It arrives when you need it, saving you time and money.

You've already purchased a whole kitchen set but you just realized you would need a bigger one. Better get a loyalty card at Ikea.

Not satisfied with the furniture? Just contact us and get it replaced within days. No additional cost.


You don't need your furniture anymore. You can either try to sell it super cheap or pay to get rid of it.


Want us to come pick it up before you leave? Fine :)

Fell in love and want to keep the furniture? Fine too!

Using Kawanai

Ready to start your new furniture rental lifestyle?

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